Monday 12 May 2008

Space for a Story

Just a quick post today. The weather has been gorgeous and the temptation to sit outside and read has been too much. In addition I'm preparing for a show I'm doing at the Lantern Arts Centre later this month. I've been looking through my back catalogue of sketches and selecting a few of my favourites. Wow, I've written some rubbish over the years. Polly's been busy working and helping a friend sort out some stuff, so I've been spending a lot of time with the boys.

This evening I took them to the park to play football. Every father dreams his sons will be great sports men. All I can say is that my children are to football what Wayne Sleep is to Rugby league. Still there's always cricket, tennis, rugby, basketball. . . tiddlywinks.

I've also been doing the bedtime story. Unable to face reading another Horrid Henry story or Tales for Four Year Old Children Who Need To Be Patronised tale, I decided to make one up. M was reading a Horrible History book so I started telling S a story about a little boy called S who was 4 years old and through a series of misadventures ends up first on the moon and then on to the moons of Jupiter with an alien called Alan Zogg. S was thrilled to be the star of his very own story but M was feeling a bit left out. Fortunately the story required a computer games expert S suggested that M should help. The mother ship was saved and we're off to Alan Zogg's home planet but ane about to be attacked by the evil Garak. I now spend a good proportion of my time with the boys fending off questions about what happens next. It's great being a dad! I love it.

1 comment:

  1. How come you chose the name Zogg?



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